오목어(2012) / Noodle Fish (Omogeo)

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감독(Director): 김진만 (Kim Jin-man)
출연(Casts): 김진만 (Kim Jin-man)
줄거리: 어른이 되려면 물 밖으로 나가야 한다고? 작은 웅덩이에 사는 오목어 앞에 화두를 던지고 사라진 올챙이들. 그 때부터 물 밖을 향한 오목어의 여행이 시작된다. 강어귀에서 만난 물고기들이 들려준 물 밖 세상은 자유로워 보인다. 어린 오목어가 물 밖 세상으로 나가기 위해 고군분투하는 이야기. 슈퍼에서 구입 가능한 소면으로 한 땀 한 땀 만든 독특한 애니메이션 작품. 오목어의 영어 표현이 ‘noodlefish’라는 점을 감안, 실제로 국수로 만든 물고기를 주인공으로 삼았다.
Unique animation using plain noodles bought at the store. Based on the name "noodlefish," this movie delivers the story of a small, naive noodlefish trying to get out of the water by making fish with noodles. The most noticeable feature of this movie is the use of plain noodles. Watching this movie, which starts from the actual experience of seeing the shape made by the cut end of dried plain noodles, we give a big hand to the director who finished a difficult movie with many noodles after a long time. The main character of this movie is a fish living in a small pond. To the fish without knowing any other world, a frog says, "To be an adult, you must get out of the water." From then on, the fish tries to get out of water. Nonetheless, no one answers its question as it gets carried off to the river by the heavy rain, and some animals even try to deceive it with sweet talk. Can the question of this little fish be solved? A more important question is, "Is this fish really a fish?" This movie makes us doubt and reflect on things we take for granted.