[Ai Journey] After Shower   #AiJourney #Ai저니 #샤워후 #AfterShower #シャワー後 #沐浴后

상쾌한 샤워를 마친 여성이 환한 욕실로 나와서 거울보고 셀카찍기, 샤워 후 루틴 (마사지,스킨케어, 헤어케어, 메이크업..) 룩북을 만들어 보았습니다.
After a refreshing shower, I made a lookbook where a woman comes out to the bright bathroom, looks in the mirror, takes a selfie, and does a shower routine (massage, skin care, hair care, makeup, etc.).

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출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz03OFVu7L4